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Very Best for

The challenge is famed for their fashion offering, and has a huge base of highly engaged shoppers. But as a department retailer, we needed to help solidify Very as the destination for all things electrical too - from Samsung televisions to Hotpoint washing machines.

Raspberry Popsicles
The creative strategy

Introducing ‘Very Best for…’ 

We segmented the category based on the Very shoppers lifestage or lifestyle (e.g. ‘Very Best for Families’), enabling them to navigate the category in a way they never could before. And we recruited real Very shoppers and credible, authentic influencers (not experts) to represent each accreditation and make them more relatable. 

We filmed them in their own homes reviewing the hero product using language that resonated - including translating product specifications into everyday benefits. 

This hub of content was then hosted on a landing page, to which we drove traffic using a host of media both on and offsite - meaning Very and their sponsoring brands were unmissable.  This included media targeted to each of our accreditations - ensuring we were speaking to the right shoppers with the right message at the right time. 

Since it began ‘Very Best For’ has grown across ten electrical categories and is in its third year (as of 2020), a testament to the fact that it is one of the best loved campaigns by Very, brands and shoppers alike.

Very Best for
The approach

Electricals are one of the most important, and costly, purchases you can make. But they’re also one of the most daunting and complicated. 

Shoppers are faced with an overwhelming amount of choice and product features to navigate, and it can be hard to quickly spot differences between products other than price. 

There was an opportunity to help shoppers find the product that is genuinely perfect for them and their needs by taking the hassle out of the process.

The campaign strategy? ‘Big decisions made simple, and affordable, for real life’.

Take a peek at some more of our work
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