Sali Davies
Product Director
I’m responsible for developing SMGs technology strategy by listening to clients, users and the wider industry to understand how we can plan, manage and evaluate.
Quick Q&A
Best experience at Threefold?
Prior to my work within the Product sphere, I set up the Media Centre at Deliveroo. We did this in the midst of the pandemic which was a challenge in itself to get underneath the skin of a new partners business remotely but it was extremely rewarding.
Favourite part of your job?
The variety! As Product Director, I look after Plan-Apps, our proprietory software which helps our team to plan, manage and evaluate all of the campaigns we run. With this, I'm able to work with all teams across the business as well as our clients to understand the needs and of course nuances that comes with working with our various retail partners.
What are you known for?
Putting my hand to almost anything.